Saturday, October 22, 2011

Credibility of the Bible Part II (Proofs of the New Testament)

The Credibility of the New Testament

I. Facts which provide Credibility

A.    The writers of the New Testament were competent

They were eyewitnesses – 2 Peter 1:18, I John 1:1-3

Paul received his testimony straight from Jesus – Galatians 1:11-17

B.     They were intelligent and skilled communicators

Mark spoke several languages and served as Peter’s interpreter – Eusebius’ Church History written in AD 15 and Against Heresies, written by Iraeneus in AD 1

Paul was well-educated and knew how to communicate with many different audiences

Luke was a physician

Even Peter, a fisherman by trade, was able to talk to large groups of people and communicate the message of the gospel

            C. They were honest

Their writings were full of virtue and condemned any who practiced immorality or lying.

They had a high regard for truth. 

They put themselves in circumstances and situations in which they endangered their worldly interests – most lost families, livelihoods, and reputations for following Jesus.

They put themselves in circumstances and situations in which they endangered their lives - All throughout their ministries suffered beatings, imprisonment, etc., and most suffered violent martyr deaths. What educated man would die for a lie?

What would they have gained from lying?

D.    Their writings harmonize

The synoptic gospels do not contradict but rather supplement each other. There is a difference of emphasis but not fundamental truth or understanding.

The epistles of Paul and James present faith and works from different standpoints, and yet they never once contradict doctrinally.

The progress of unfolding revelation chronologically from the gospels to the epistles expands on truth but never contradicts it.

E.     History

History backs up nearly all accounts given in the epistles, and has never once been able to contradicted them. Just a few examples:

-          Involvement of Quirinius governor of Syria luke 2:2
-          Herod the Great Matt 2:16-18
-          Herod Antipas Matt 14:1-12
-          Herod Agrippa the First Acts 12:1
-          Gallio Acts 18:12-17
                        -      Herod Aggrippa the Second Acts 25:13-26:32

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