Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Credibility of the Bible Part I (Proofs of the Old Testament)

The Credibility of the Bible

“A book is said to be credible if it relates truthfully the matters which it treats. It is said to be corrupt when its present text varies from the original. Credibility then embraces both the ideas of truthfulness of the records and purity of the text.” –Henry Clarence Theissen, Lectures in Systematic Theology

I.                   Credibility of the Books of the Old Testament

A.    Christ recognized the Old Testament as truthful and reliable concerning doctrine: Matt 5:17, Luke 24:27, John 10:34-36

Christ endorsed the truth of major Old Testament teachings, so if the OT miracles are myths, then Jesus is either a liar or an idiot!! You cannot believe that Jesus is who HE is if you do not believe the truth of the entire Scripture, Old and New!

1.      Mark 13:19 The creation of the universe by God
2.      Matthew 19:4 The direct creation of man
3.      John 8:44 The corrupt personality and character of Satan
4.      Luke 17:26 The destruction of the world by flood
5.      Luke 17: 28-30 The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the rescue of Lot
6.      Mark 12:26 The revelation of God to Moses in the burning bush
7.      Matthew 12:39 The experience of Jonah in the big fish

…and many, many more.

B.     Historical and archaeological proofs

1.      History – History offers many proofs of the correctness of biblical representation of life in Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Medo-Persia, etc. None of the rulers mentioned by name in Scripture is any longer believed to be contrary to historical accounts:

a.       Shalmaneser IV is said to have carried the people away into Assyria (2 Kings 17:3-6), but in Isaiah 20:1 we are told that it was Sargon II who conquered Samaria and carried the people away. Once thought to be a contradiction or mistake of Scripture, historians uncovered records which detail how Sargon II and Shalmaneser V were actually co-regents at the time. Sargon II, having primary rule, would have also been known as the previous “Shalmaneser” or literally “fire-worshiper”; thus Shalmaneser IV. So, Sargon II and Shalmaneser IV are the same man and no contradiction exists.

b.      Belshazzar (Daniel 5:1-30) was long thought by critics to be a fictional character. Now, historians have found ample evidence to back up the proof of his existence and reign outside biblical sources.

c.       Mede (Daniel 5:31-6:28) was also long believed to be a fictional character, but modern historical critics have had to recant these criticisms based on overwhelming historical proofs of his existence.

2.      Archaeology – Archaeology confirms may biblical accounts as truthful and credible.

a.       The Egyption Enuma Elis (pronounced ee-noo-mah ee-leesh) and other creation myths have been uncovered in hieroglyphs and ancient writings. Rather than obscure the truth of the creation story, these myths are so similar as to be believed by most archaeologists to have a foundation in truth, thus adding credibility to the creation account.

b.      A Babylonian tablet was found to describe the account of the flood, dated circa 650 BC entitled The Epic of Galgamesh, and the two stories have 20 major points in common. Biblical theologians believe Moses’ account of the flood to date to circa 1450 BC and therefore the Babylonian account is believed to be a corruption of the true account.

c.       The Battle of Kings in Genesis 14 was long believed to be a fictional story until inscriptions were uncovered by archaeologists in the Valley of the Euphrates which show these four kings as joining in the expedition as true historical figures.

d.      The Hittites, whose very existence was questioned for many years, have now been proven to have been a very powerful kingdom in Asia Minor and Palestine at the time indicated in Biblical accounts. The Tel el-Amarna tablets give evidence that the book of Judges is a true historical account. Egyptian hieroglyphics also clearly detail the existence, enslavement and subsequent exodus of the Israelites.

The more archaeology uncovers, the more Biblical proof arises! Science of archaeology can only further confirm the credibility of the Bible, as it has never ONCE been able to destroy a Biblical account!

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